Blades of Grass and Pure White Stones


Blades of Grass and Pure White Stones


DVD Video and Compact Disc Set

A High-Quality, High-Resolution DVD video disc of the Blades of Grass Video. 

Also, incuded is a CD-player ready CD containing the audio track

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America is unique among nations.

We began in a battle for freedom.

Along the entire timeline of our country’s history, men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of freedom — not just on our own soil, but fighting for freedom all over the world.

The freedom we enjoy — and must never take for granted — has come at a high price. We’ve cultivated it in our sacred gardens, by the lives of those who lay there in final rest.

“Freedom’s seeds in sorrow sown ’neath blades of grass and pure white stones.”

We honor the men and women of America's Armed Services, past and present, for their gift of freedom to all of us living today.

This tribute is a reminder to us all, "lest we forget their sacrifice."

Thank you for taking the time to reflect on the memory of our fallen heroes. —Steve Amerson